Monday, March 25, 2013

#5 Wow--I'm really doing it

Several teachers have said do 100 small still life studies -actually up to 5

Luv Bahia Honda beach

Spent time recently in Bahia Honda state park - love picnic shelters to stay out of sun!   HOORAY - it was sold once completed thru Key Largo Art Gallery

Sunday, March 24, 2013

How hard can it be to paint a block!! Ask those in the Mike Rooney workshop this week. We used palette knives and learned Cape Cod school of light method. This is my attempt -- I see lots of blocks in my future! AAAAGH

Thursday, March 21, 2013

#4 of 100

I have taken several workshops where teachers say do 100stii life's and 100 value studies. Latest said the 100 stil life's-- so working on 6x6 color not true via camera but this is the fourth:-)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

2nd quick study

Been feeling under the weather -- was hoping to do one a day - life gets in the way