Monday, June 23, 2014

Hooray for giclees!

Finally - I'll be able to update gallery wall. Giclees are a wonderful way to share your art and give people a chance at something affordable.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Color wheel Always a Handy Tool

No matter how accomplished you are a basic color wheel is a great tool. For beginners it's a fab reminder and for those more accomplished great for picking limited color schemes such as triads.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

This art to travel...

Been away.. Visited my son and his family to see him graduate college. These oils will be headed for his new home soon as dry and giclees made --

Sunday, April 13, 2014

We were blinded by the light!

My painting buddy Kathleen and I tried to paint sunset live at a nearby park. It was so hard as looking toward the sun blinded us with glare and all we could see were spots . We struggled but each came home with a 6x8---it was TUFF

Monday, March 31, 2014

Key West fun!

Spent time in Key West recently. Love the chicken families hanging out everywhere. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Juicy Fun

Divide your paper into 4 blocks, use the biggest brush you can, you only have 10 minutes each -- make sure brush is fat with paint and GO!
This was so much fun!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Everglades winter

Winter is the only time we can enjoy the Everglades-- mosquitoes will carry u away in summer. Love to plein air in winter-- this just took 2nd in big show judged by Miles and Irene Batt!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Love our tropical sunsets!

Key Largo Gallery needs some new stuff....color and living in the tropics ... Wonderful

Monday, January 27, 2014

Cape Cod what?

A group of us used the garden club to have a practice/studio day. I was asked a lot what this exercise was.... Trying to learn Cape Cod School of Light. Block exercises are really hard and tiring - but did several. Practice is the key.......

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Painting, Paradise and More: - community mosaic project-

Painting, Paradise and More: - community mosaic project-: About 200 6x6 paintings will form a big mosaic that will raise funds for local arts council. Bahia Honda sunrise my inspiration!

- community mosaic project-

About 200 6x6 paintings will form a big mosaic that will raise funds for local arts council. Bahia Honda sunrise my inspiration!